Death News

Adam Lynch AJ Obituary, Teen killed in southeast Edmonton hit and run ID

Adam Lynch AJ Obituary – The mother of a 13-year-old boy who tragically lost his life after being hit by a vehicle while riding his bicycle in southeast Edmonton earlier this week expressed the immense impact her son had on their household. Jessica Lynch, speaking on Friday, shared that her son brought joy and liveliness to their home, always encouraging everyone to engage in activities, running around, making his sister play, and bringing smiles to everyone’s faces. His absence has left a void that will be felt forever.

Lynch revealed that her son, Adam, known as AJ, was on his way to his girlfriend’s house early Wednesday morning when the hit and run incident occurred. The incident took place between Mill Woods Road East and 48th Street along 34th Avenue at around 4 a.m. AJ had fallen asleep the previous night and missed the opportunity to visit his girlfriend, Mylie Parsons, whom Lynch described as someone incredibly special to her son.

In an attempt to see Mylie before school, AJ woke up early and rode his bike, a routine he followed almost every other day. Lynch mentioned that it was not a deviation from his usual schedule. Although AJ typically took the bus, he chose to ride his bike that day due to the pleasant weather. Lynch emphasized that AJ was a good kid and his visits to Mylie’s house were innocent and not associated with any wrongdoing. He simply missed spending time with his girlfriend, whom he considered his person.

Lynch received a phone call from Mylie’s sister around 4 a.m., informing her about AJ’s bike accident. AJ had been on the phone with Mylie’s sister when the vehicle struck him. With AJ’s location available on her phone, Lynch hastily got ready and rushed to find her son. However, upon arrival, she discovered that the police were already present at the scene. The devastating loss of AJ has left the household feeling still and empty, as he was the vibrant soul of their home. His absence will forever be deeply felt by his loved ones.

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