Death News

Kay Starr Stevens Obituary, Jefferson Co. Coroner looking for family of man, woman who recently died

Kay Starr Stevens Obituary – The Jefferson County Coroner’s Office is seeking assistance in locating the relatives of a deceased man and woman who passed away at UAB Hospital.

Kay Starr Stevens, aged 84, passed away on April 20 due to natural causes. She had previously provided her home address as the 6900 block of Higdon Road in Birmingham, and more recently, the 900 block of Phillips Street in Gadsden.

Alan Lee Brimer, aged 72, passed away on April 15. In 2020, he had listed his home address as the 8200 block of Country Circle in Pinson, and he has been residing in the Birmingham area since at least 1991. If you are a family member or possess any information regarding their family, kindly contact the Jefferson County Coroner/Medical Examiner’s Office at 205-930-3603.

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