Death News

Sachin Sahoo Obituary, Ex-wife of man killed by SAPD speaks up about his mental health

Sachin Sahoo Obituary – Sachin Sahoo, a 42-year-old man, was tragically shot and killed by officers on Sunday in a neighborhood on the northwest side. According to the police, Sahoo had hit a woman with his car earlier and later attempted to back into the officers with the same vehicle. His family, speaking to KENS 5, shared their concerns about his deteriorating mental health.

Leah Goldstein, Sahoo’s ex-wife, tearfully described him as a devoted family man. “He was a great dad, and I was a stay-at-home mom for many years,” she said. “He provided for us.” Goldstein revealed that Sahoo had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had also exhibited symptoms of schizophrenia. “He suffered from bipolar disorder for the past ten years,” Goldstein explained. “He would experience manic episodes and would sometimes stop taking his medication.”

She further explained that Sahoo struggled to comprehend his condition. “He couldn’t understand what was wrong with him,” Goldstein said. “He would hear voices, hallucinate, and become trapped in his own mind.”

On Saturday afternoon, witnesses reported that a man driving a white BMW SUV emerged from a nearby driveway, drove onto the sidewalk, and struck a 51-year-old woman who was allegedly his roommate. He then fled the scene.

“He disappeared for a while,” Goldstein recounted. “He called me, sounding scared. I believe he returned to the house. During that time, some officers came to my apartment, and I informed them about his history of mental illness. I assured them that he did not possess any firearms and was not typically a violent person.”

According to the police, they attempted to make contact with Sahoo, but he resisted and attempted to flee by reversing his SUV, ultimately backing into two officers. It was at this point that one of the officers fatally shot Sahoo. “He should have been taken to the hospital,” Goldstein lamented. “There were other options. But everything went wrong.” Now, Goldstein is left with only photographs and memories of a man she describes as “lovable and peaceful.” She expressed deep sorrow that his dreams and aspirations could not be realized due to his illness.

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